Take the first step to earn the Skilled Impact Analyst (SIA) Certificate


Sara Olsen

Sara Olsen is Vice President of Social Value US, board member and methodology subcommittee co-chair of Social Value International, and principal of SVT Group. Sara has had a 26-year career in social entrepreneurship and impact management, and is passionate about making impact management standard business practice to enable a more equitable and sustainable world.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Overview of Impact Measurement

    • The history and current landscape of impact measurement

    • The SVI Principles and Standards

    • Technology and Impact Measurement

  • 2

    Impact Reporting

    • A Survey of the Current Reporting Landscape

    • The Popular Approaches to Assessing and Reporting Impact

  • 3

    Understanding and Assessing Impact Reports

    • Skilled Impact Analysis (Level 1)

    • Impact Reporting Field Study

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For students, use code svts0921 ; For nonprofits, use code svtnp0921

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
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