Professional Certification by Global Reporting Iniative

Certified GRI Training Partner

Gwendolen B. White

Ph.D., CPA

As a Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Certified Trainer, Gwen delivers GRI Training Courses as a lead trainer with the ISOS Group, a GRI Training Partner. She has delivered trainings that covered Integrated Reporting, SDGs and CDP. She is the author of Sustainability Reporting: Getting Started, 2nd Edition, published by Business Expert Press. Her work experience includes consulting on sustainability reporting, writing research reports for the World Bank, being on the accounting faculty at Indiana University and Ball State University, and working as a staff auditor for KPMG. Gwen was Chair of the City of Bloomington (Indiana) Commission on Sustainability from 2015-19.

Eric Israel

Governance & Accountability Specialist

Eric is a trainer, coach, and special advisor to strategic growth efforts at ISOSGroup. He has over 30 years consultancy experience with the ‘Big Four’ accounting firms. He previously served GRI as the North America director at Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and as an adjunct professor at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey. Eric is a Chartered Accountant recognized by the Royal Dutch Institute of Chartered Accountants. He is a graduate of the University of Amsterdam where he completed a master’s degree in accounting and finance and a bachelor’s degree in business and managerial economics.

What's next?

This is what reporting professionals are now asking after years of evolving practice in the U.S. The ISOS Group's has the answer. Its experienced team has in-depth knowledge of GRI, CDP, the SDGs and other globally accepted reporting frameworks. They are well prepared to walk you through ways to help your reduce the reporting burden and maximize the value that comes through strategic reporting efforts.
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